Friday, May 28, 2010

More Home Repairs

For some reason Polly didn't like the Zebra stripes painted on the lower half of the master bathroom wall. So she sanded and smoothed them out with a coat of primer.

She then found a wallpaper that matched her sea shell theme for that bathroom and,walla, the Zebra stripes are now only a memory.

Out front was a big statuary which at some time had water flowing down it. Upon disassembly it turned out to be a faulty pump. Home Depot provided a replacement which apparently was too powerful since when I hooked it up it shot water from the statuary to the sidewall. I added a clamp to the output hose and finally got it to flow from one pool to another. Inside the garage was a timer which we didn't know what it was for. After fooling around with it a while it turns the fountain on and off a predetermined times. Now it goes on at noon and off a dusk.

The last is a Florida plumbing education I just received. The water for the house is provided by a submersible pump down at the bottom of a drilled well. But on the surface there is small air backer storage tank, then another very big tank, another surface water pump and another air backed storage tank. What in the world is all this for. Well, it turns out that the ground water in this area has a lot of sulfur dioxide gas in it and smells like rotten eggs. So the submersible pump pumps the water up to the first air backed tank. The water than goes to the big tank which has a spray head it the top and the water is spayed at atmospheric pressure which allows the sulfur gas to escape and go its on way into the air. Now the water is a zero pressure so they need another pump and another air backed tank to pressurize and store the water for home use. Wow. With that and a couple of filter systems you can actually drink it.

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