Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spring Has Arrived

I'll hold off on more Florida Keys photos for a brief look at spring arriving in central Florida. We had some nice 70's weather accompanied with some rain and all of a sudden things started blooming. Most of these flowers we didn't even know we had. They were planted by the previous owners. Look at this beautiful crop of Azalea.

Here is a Pink Azalea that is growing under a Palm tree.

In the front yard is a Camellia, it has loads of buds so we are expecting a lot more from it.

For my birthday a few months ago I got a some Hyacinth bulbs which we planted in the front garden and, walla, two months later look what comes up.

This according to the flower book is an Allamanda, it's a real native flower. It coming up through the dead leaves of a Saw Palmetto.

And another native blossom which I haven't been able to identify yet.

This last one doesn't have a blossom but does have an interesting story. We parked besides a dumpster and I happen to notice that the store must have pulled out some plants and threw them away. So I sorted through them and picked out two - took them home and planted them. After planting them we realized a couple more would fit in nice so back in the car and back to the dumpster. I sorted through all the new trash, looking for the rest of the plants but somebody beat me to it - they were all gone. Checking my gardening books shows that they are Dwarf Variegated Century Plant.

Well that's the end of the spring flowers. I hope this helps the people up North - Spring will come eventually - the snow and ice will melt - so every morning go outside and check if any new plant has broken through the snow. Guess that's enough gloating for this blog, see you in sunshine.

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