Sunday, February 6, 2011

We're back

I'll bet you didn't even know we were going someplace but we are back. We went to the Florida Keys for a week and have some new tales to tell you but before we start I want to see how observant you are. Look at the photo below and what do you see different?

No it's not that my hair got a little grayer (it did but that's due to Polly). So here's a little close up.

Now you see it - not the mosquito bite - the little piece of plastic tubing leading into my ear - I got a hearing aid - so now I don't have to ask you to repeat what you said. Instead I have to ask you not to talk so loud and can you turn down the TV a little.
They are neat devices - The device mounts behind my ear and it has a microphone pointed backwards. That picks up whatever noise is behind me, cancels it out so I can hear what is being said to my face. It has three different settings ( I push a little button on it's top to change settings). The normal setting for everyday use, a setting for very noisy environments which cancels even more noise coming from behind me and a third for when I go to the opera that increases the sensitivity. Boy is everything awfully noisy now - I can hear myself walk and the grass crush under my feet. Please don't type so hard and don't ever crinkle paper - it's a killer.

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