Monday, November 14, 2011

Soft Water and a Hawk

The house is 11 years old and had all it's original appliances. So when the dishwasher didn't clean the dishes very good, I just figured it was old, looked up a replacement via Consumers Report and bought a new one - No major improvement. That was last year. This year I attacked the water going into it. I normally have to change the water filter every month and when I change it, it is black. I'm told this is from the sulfur in the water. The water system already has a spray tank where the water is aeorated to release sulfur gas before it is pumped into the house but apparently this isn't enough. So we just had a water softener installed. And it worked - the dishes are clean and not spotted - our hair is much more manageable after a shower - Wow, what a difference.

We were sitting outside enjoying the 80 degree weather the other day and much to our surprise a hawk flew in and landed in the tree right next to us. There are a lot of hawks in our area (and not many small birds - surprised). Most of the ones we see are Red Tailed Hawks but this one is a Sharp-shinned hawk. We figure he was checking out Kayla to see if she was something it could catch and carry away.

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