Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm too smart for my own good

It started last year when I was staying in the Masonic Campground. Some of the campers put out satellite dishes and used them for the TV in their camper. When I talked to them they said they had satellite tv back home, took the satellite receiver from their home with them in the camper and just bought another satellite dish to use with their camper. This sounded good to me - just one satellite TV bill and I'd have TV reception in both houses.

So when I got back to Connecticut I cancelled my Comcast cable and had Dish TV installed. I signed up for the option to have two receivers (only costs another $5 to rent the second receiver) and I'd take the second receiver to Florida and leave it there. What Dish TV doesn't know wouldn't hurt them. When I get to Florida I'll unplug the receiver in Connecticut and visa versa when I come back to CT. As far as Dish is concerned they will only see signals being received from one location and they will be none the wiser that I've got two homes hooked up to them.
I went online and ordered another Satellite dish along with cabling and the tools needed to find the satellite and align the dish to it. When it came in, I practiced setting the new dish up in Connecticut, connecting it to the second receiver and a TV. After a day of struggling I got it all to work with a good picture - so I figure I'm all set to go to Florida.

We get down to Florida and before I attach the satellite dish to the house I attach it to an existing pole and do the same setup that I did with it back in CT. Try and try but I couldn't get any satellite to come in. After two days of trying, I give up and call a guy listed as an installer for satellite antennas. I tell him what I'd like to do and he says he could do it for me but why don't I just call up Dish and they will install it for free. So I called Dish TV up and said I had moved and need my antenna installed. They scheduled me for the next day - their tech shows up - spends almost the entire day attaching the antenna, running the wires into the attic, down through the walls into existing cable boxes, and of course in was a 90 degree day and the attic (which only has a crawl space) must have be over 100 degrees. But he did it and everything works. Now I'm still under the impression that Dish TV thinks that I've moved to Florida - the receiver I left in CT is off so how would they know different.

I get an email from Amy where she says she stayed overnight at the cottage and after they found the receiver was unplugged, plugged it back in and watched TV with her kids that night. Wait a minute - I was down in Florida watching TV the same night - and DISH TV didn't notice there were two houses receiving TV under the same billing - Well I guess I made a big deal about nothing - I didn't have to set up my Florida satellite on the QT - I didn't have to buy all that special hardware so I could set it up by myself and I guess I didn't have to disconnect one receiver when I was using the other out-of-state. I'm just to smart for my own good. By the way, how do you like my 50" TV - You can never buy a TV that is too big.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pop - you scared me at the begining of this post - I thought you were going to say I scerwed something up when we went to the cottagea and watched TV...I'm glad we didn't.
